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Update: Abolition of Default Retirement Age

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Rumours are circulating about the transitional provisions abolishing the default retirement age, which are expected to be published later this week. According to a number of usually impeccable sources, including PLC, the transitional provisions will provide for the default retirement age to survive until 6th April 2012 (not 30th September 2011 as previously thought), provided the employee has reached 65 on or before 30th September 2011. This allows for up to 12 months' notice of intention to retire to be issued before 5th April 2011.

Support for this can be seen on the Acas website (about halfway down, under 'Timescales and transitional arrangements').

And with The Telegraph reporting today that "Human Resource professional are in disarray" because of uncertainty over how to deal with retirement dismissals, we can continue to expect uncertainty for a while.Further news will be provided as soon as it is available
