News and Events

King's Speech: plans for employment law

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Summary:   Government plans to legislate to ban exploitative practices and enhance employment rights. In this morning’s King’s Speech, Labour set out the legislative agenda for their first months in government. The King’s Speech...

Part-time workers

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Summary:  Discrimination against part-time workers only occurs where less favourable treatment is solely because of part-time status. In  Augustine v Data Cars ,  the Claimant was a part-time taxi driver. He was required to pay a flat...

SOSR Dismissals - covid vaccinations

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Summary:  Care home employees fairly dismissed after breaching the employer's Covid vaccination policy. Were Claimants employed in care homes fairly dismissed after refusing to be vaccinated against Covid, in breach of the employer’s policy?...

Indirect discrimination: justification

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Summary:  Tribunal should have assessed whether Respondent's aim was legitimate  and  whether PCP was proportionate. In  Hilton-Webb v Minis Childcare ,  the Claimant raised multiple complaints of disability discrimination....

Tribunal procedure: Unless orders

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Summary:  Tribunal shouldn’t have included complying with a previous costs order as part of an Unless Order. In  Chumbu v The Disabilities Trust ,  the employment tribunal made an Unless Order requiring the Claimant, by the prescribed...

EHRC Guidance

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Summary:  EHRC launches consultation on amendments to guidance on preventing workplace sexual harassment. The Equality and Human Rights Commission has launched a consultation on proposed amendments to its guidance on preventing workplace sexual...

Part-time workers

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Summary:  No discrimination where circuit judges denied access to more favourable pension scheme. In  Clayson and others v Ministry of Justice ,  the Claimants were circuit judges appointed after 31 March 1995. They were former part-time...

National Minimum Wage

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Summary:  Workers not owed national minimum wage when travelling from home to sites by minibus. In  Taylor’s Services Ltd v HMRC ,  zero-hours workers travelled to farms around the country providing poultry services. They were...

Transfer of Undertakings

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Summary:  TUPE did not apply when commissioning services were transferred. In  Bicknell & BMA v NHS Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Integrated Commissioning Board ,  Mr. Bicknell was employed by a Clinical Commissioning Group...

Fixed-term employees

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Summary:  Renewal of fixed-term contract beyond four years was justified. In  Lobo v University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust ,  the Claimant was employed by the Respondent as a locum consultant under a series of fixed-term...

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