News and Events

Important - Presenting Tribunal Claims

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The Presidents of Employment Tribunals (England & Wales, and Scotland) have issued an important letter to professional court users.

From 30 May 2024, professional representatives seeking to present a claim online in an office where the MyHMCTS portal is operating will only be able to do so by using that portal.

Accordingly, if a professional representative wishes to present a claim online in Scotland, Leeds, Midlands East, South West England or any of the three London offices from 30 May 2024, they must do so by using MyHMCTS. That will become the position in all other offices in England and Wales as national roll out takes place over the next two months.

You must register with MyHMCTS to be able to use the portal. It could take up to five days to activate an account. All professional court users must take steps now to register with MyHMCTS if you have not already done so.

Further information here.
